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Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance
Author: Larry Downes, Chunka Mui, Nicholas Negroponte List Price: $16.95 Our Price: Click to see the latest and low price ISBN: 1578512611 Publisher: Harvard Business School Press (March, 2000) Edition: Paperback Sales Rank: 16,124 Average Customer Rating: 4.2 out of 5 |
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Customer Reviews
Rating: 5 out of 5Unleashing Technologies
The major principles of this module deal with ideas and methods to increase one's ability to focus on higher levels of information that began as low level mechanization concerned with bits and bytes and how they transform applications into working models. The whole scope of what and how these electronic machinated applications interface with a larger picture is understood as a disruption at best to harmonious interactions within the whole IT and corporate application structure. (Downes, Mui, 2003).
Between the middleware applications and the physical interfaces that bring us computing connectivity, there are numerous processing's, intermingled and costly, which brings us to today's computing networking.
It is the affordability equation, enhanced through Moore's implications and understanding of outcomes such as higher quality, less costly interfaces, and devices that help design interfaces, simply. The ease to operate, at blazing speeds, brought about by higher computing power, and its ideas of mass proliferation have its beginnings with Metcalfe's Law. The economics of sheer computing power, its application infrastructure, is in fact, a Coasean theory of that economics.
Because of the profundity of Moore's Law, and its ability to affect not only the realm of computing, but also industrial, automotive, and aerospace as well, that law, is the 'killer app'.
Killer apps are not just related to new application coded language transformed into cyberware, but ideas, equations, formulas, and entirely new directional thought patterns that lead to unfilled frontier process exploration. The round wheel opened the imagination and innovation of a pre-industrialized world. Watches, clocks, automobiles, gears, rollers, and most things round come from nature, our first architect, but the formula and prescience of the 'wheel', became the 'killer app' within the science of generations to come. The 'wheels' ability to survive as an innovation proves the point, that 'killer apps' must have profound and lasting disruptive affects of visionary quality to an industry or industries. (c)Lyle K'ang, 2003).