December 26, 2005


Last year, I devoted my posts to business and IT (information management minus the technology). The new year, will be on both of those topics and again, I will reiterate the rich subject of ethics.

Many of you may find that devoting a portion of your business thought to ethics, is hardly supportive to making money. On the contrary, it is all about money. Yet, one fact remains crystal clear for most. And that is the fact, that we can connect and communicate through our humanness.

When we do connect, it is possible for all involved to readily accept the true focus of making money for an organization. That is business.

Being a dimmed-wit, excluding those that 'think' from the process of making money is not neccessarily wise. Including those that help make a difference can be influential to your bottom line. However, excluding them by thinking that you can short-change even your own staff from fruitfull endeavors within your company is not only being dimwitted, it bears no fruit-no 'balls' in the long-term.

Another scenario for those that are still holding out on my plea, will go something like this:

A place where we all work and play can be an island. It will never change-it will always be an island. Parties that we attend are populated by those that may be your neighbors, workers, or other acquantices. You tell your crappy ethnic jokes, and each of you make fun of the other culture...that's the way it is on an island. No matter how much joke telling or for that matter, how much you drink or toke, we all 'see' each other again and again. Remember, it's an island.

That's my point...on the world stage, in your offices, locally or somewhere on this planet, we are converging through persistence and communication because we all yearn to be on that island. Think otherwise, and we have starvation, ridicule, hatred, torture, danger, even death. Something that most assuredly happens in a time of war.

On an island, because we all use the same tools afforded us, we 'see' each others' humanness because we are on an island and rather than communicate terminal or dead end objectives, we always speak one way but mean another. Why? Because we know we cannot run, we cannot hide, we cannot kill our own community that lives on an island.

Humanness is an island of compassion. This scenario, I have lived for almost sixty some-odd years, which started on the island of O'ahu, an island in the Hawai'ian archipelego of seven islands. It is a true island story and works.

Of course, in any truth, there are opposites than can tarnish or melt the truth into discoloration, distortion, and non-existence. No matter...the truth stands. Think of this-all of you that are thinking about business are on the same wave pattern. You know each others thoughts and the winner is often on a win-lose trek. Some think the win-win and that can be beneficial if it's ethical but how many of us really think in terms of 'an island population'?

An island, is an island. It can be easier, if you but try by creating your own 'islands of thought' by considering our humanness.

December 21, 2005

dOUBLE-DUCE or is it Double_COLD; Case In Point.

Let's talk about those clients that you gain through attrition, luck and being in the right place at the right time. I have experienced all of these but this one is for you.

This is a story about a place I once worked in. I respected most of all the excellent worker's but as you read, I cannot stand blind ignorance. I suppose you'll understand, at least, I hope you can follow along. It's mostly about bright intellectuals who have let their own lights extinguish because of very low self-esteem and the fact, that they just can't get over themselves, It's a too bad, too sad situation. Enjoy!


Know it alls-those that think, that their s--t doesn't stink, and those that are so weighted-down with outdated interactive models that their contribution is more of the same...hinderance, stalls, which produce increased costs too me and the company.

I have worked temporarily with a small group that fills the above menu. Please don't get me wrong. I have compassion for this group, simply, because they need help.

Both guys are exceptional but----

This is painful, because these guys can only 'see' their noses on their faces and that's it. Their dreams, ambitions and spiritual guidance is dashed by their own doings. I have never seen people do this to themselves, until now. Oh! I've heard of this type of masochist's narcissim, but up until now, I've never been a party to its details.

These are the types: Tell them the earth is round because you've seen it and been around it-they'll call you a heretic and try to dismantle you-piece by limb, until they can 'see' that you are just like them-they don't care about what you know or where you've been, there's the fault.

Failure to realize the bigger picture...It is not the demeanor or lack of professionalism, it is the shear ignorance by allowing unchecked ego to dominate these sessions.

Where there is a lack of understanding and overwhelming pessimism, there is fruition and maturity, presented as a lack of applying applied physics, using critical thought as a wand to discover for themselves, that the world is not flat. But that is not always the easy route.

Difficult times ensue, and I believe that hope is here when one of these friends understands, but in a day or two it simply, cannot be sustained. One or the other gives in and proclaims with all the arrogance and self-righteousness, that the world is indeed flat.

This is not unique though, most heads of private firms act like this until they themselves get hit so hard, that they wished their brain was interchangeable with a baboon's head-probably accepting the fact, that at this point, a baboon is smarter in many ways than they are. I agree.

Now, don't get caught up here in the technical...this is their downfall. Understanding too much of the technical and not enough of the big picture is their downright death-spiral into a place where technicians (whether programmers or technical applications) are a dime a dozen. You heard me right-too much of one thing without checking the scale for proper balance, makes Jack-A-Dull-Boy or for that matter, Jill-a Dunce!

Balance in the technical, the business, the infrastructure, and constantly selling the 'bigger picture' of a world that is indeed round, can win and influence friends.

Be forwarned; their is always a price to pay when sharing jokes, intimate secrets, desires, and despairs...THEY (the ones that believe with ALL their heart and soul) will always take another approach just to seem smarter than you. If your ethics are ever called in to recognize where in the hell is your brain, please take a short breath and acknowledge your inner spirit-it is probably correct, which you consciously prefer not to listen too, anyway.

That's fine-except when in business-if that mistake isn't in the R&D as a budget, then your ego tantrum, cost you and your company $1,000's. That's being a dumb-shit, you're just letting yourself become an ignorante' (stupid) person.

Hey, these guys just don't care-so go higher up the ladder, don't give up until you find the guys or gals that know that the planet is round because they've been burnt many times too, and will not placate the ignorant just for hell's sake.

Life is not only business but the edge seems like it. Life is all about the art of balance and refusal to be molded in a muck-pie, just to be 'friends,' by anyone.

Never give in-always ask for and demand the best representation-it's only your life.

December 15, 2005


You can either do, any of your business, as unscrupulously as you want or do it using an effective bell-weather, SOME FOLKS call ethics.

You can be paid large fees for 'stuff' you don't deliver and call that 'just doing business', or you can have accountability. Which is it for you?

This is not meant to preach, 'I told you so', or spy as a predator on your own close dealings, but more so as my 'out going message' from my post to you, from experiences window.

I noticed a lot of these goings on lately in the U.S. Government. Not that any of this is new, but the fact is, most of these 'dealings' or underhanded shenanigans, are escalating out of control.

Now, I know this will depend on your honor, as to how you define your own immediate and personal ethical process. You can say-you're doing it because 'that's the way we do it'. Or, 'have always done it that way'. Or, you can parrot other 'rich' people by being as obnoxious as them and pretend, you are 'riding above the world' and none of this has anything to do with you at all. In fact, how dare someone like me, a lowly worm, write about you! Right!

Ok-let's compare your riches, your tokens and your threads that you have left behind. What???! THREADS-WHAT IN THE HELL, ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
Ladies and gentlemen-this has got to be the number-one ass-hole of our time...Do you suppose?

You are cleared-checked-if you have purged in the last year. Most of you of course, have no idea where I'm going or what I'm creating here-as a matter of detail, it's the crushing, lethal non-objectivity that those that play with 'The Power' to deceive at every corner and gate, have everything to do with this exercise-in a most particular manner.

It is just before the hot phosphorous touches your eye-lids to render you once and for all-blind! Just like that horrible fairy-tale you had nightmares about as a kid or as a grownup as you miserably slip into another unconscious void, leaving behind, yet another round of your precious spirituality.

I am done with you. Having witnessed most of it, I am truly (as a human being says to another) sickened at what you are doing again, now, and in the future. You did it back when...You do it again, in the present, which my friend is the future and base for your future to come.

I refuse to acknowledge the horrors again, with regarded vivid memories of history past, though feel more relaxed, if I can offer YOU, just once more, my sincere wish.

That in your cloud of arrogance, lack of soul-disciplines, retarded caring, and diminished capabilities, nothing to do with gorging, greed, or whoring. Including leaving out everything that is real under the sun-total feelings for the natural, as air is to sky, as running water respects the stone, yet fears the warm skies, as it is being sucked upward to the bigger sky, in the form of evaporation.

YOU my friend are neither there, or approaching cross-roads familiar. How I wish you could sense the coming-a second coming? Just a coming. A harbinger of truths that have been sounding their klaxon-loud-gong more times than the few remaining hairs on your head.

We alone live the karmic road of existence and to that, we that understand lend-in without malice, greed, pity, or repayment. Earlier, I stated that I am a witness-yes, a witness. I can 'see' what YOU do, and what you don't do. I am not the 'I', I speak of. I am not 'ONE' with the Holy One, I am, ME.

But, it gets tiring and now YOU do what you do-but please don't enjoy it, if it requires hate and bullying. Because, if it's considered a farce, you will receive the flashback, soon. This I know, very soon. It is inevitable, on course, and piercing, even to your heart of hearts, your strings. Once again to finally 'see' your threads, whom you have lifted up, your compassionate-wonder.

Most, may lose everything, including shame. Dignity left you, along while back. Girl friends, boy friends, wives, husbands, all disappear, as sorrow replaces their once space-holding virtues, and calls for the highest to intervene momentarily, if not, finally.

Karmic extravagance, one without guilt, one without misery, equals one without hope, one without clear thought, mostly death or dead can never smother the ethers of memory.

Hang tight -business men and ladies. Take stock of your first EQ. What's yours, what's your company doing? How far up the scale is that Ethical Quotient. If you do not have a quickened understanding of what I am saying, right now-then there is a good possibility, in more ways than I can share this moment, you lack the second EQ.

The second EQ is the only path to entertain your movement into enlightenment, not that I am enlightened, to that point, (it just sounds major-real good). Emotional Quotient; stability, caring, sensitivity, crying, real tears, are made for the strongest of men and ladies. Let me repeat myself. The strongest!

The weak, the ugly, the uncompromising, the phony, the mischievious ones, shun from its brilliance-they demean and foil the natural perfection. They do not care about my ground, which I share and walk on every day.

Only you can prevent risk!
Enterprise Risk is here,
for you-everyday.What's your hand...?
How far are you willing to gamble?....
When is enough, enough...?
Never too Late To Change...change?

I again as witness, ask you as a fellow human that has had to be taught to be cruel, to kill another being, what is today?

For YOU?! Where are you?

Best To You-
My Business Friend!