Last year, I devoted my posts to business and IT (information management minus the technology). The new year, will be on both of those topics and again, I will reiterate the rich subject of ethics.
Many of you may find that devoting a portion of your business thought to ethics, is hardly supportive to making money. On the contrary, it is all about money. Yet, one fact remains crystal clear for most. And that is the fact, that we can connect and communicate through our humanness.
When we do connect, it is possible for all involved to readily accept the true focus of making money for an organization. That is business.
Being a dimmed-wit, excluding those that 'think' from the process of making money is not neccessarily wise. Including those that help make a difference can be influential to your bottom line. However, excluding them by thinking that you can short-change even your own staff from fruitfull endeavors within your company is not only being dimwitted, it bears no fruit-no 'balls' in the long-term.
Another scenario for those that are still holding out on my plea, will go something like this:
A place where we all work and play can be an island. It will never change-it will always be an island. Parties that we attend are populated by those that may be your neighbors, workers, or other acquantices. You tell your crappy ethnic jokes, and each of you make fun of the other culture...that's the way it is on an island. No matter how much joke telling or for that matter, how much you drink or toke, we all 'see' each other again and again. Remember, it's an island.
That's my point...on the world stage, in your offices, locally or somewhere on this planet, we are converging through persistence and communication because we all yearn to be on that island. Think otherwise, and we have starvation, ridicule, hatred, torture, danger, even death. Something that most assuredly happens in a time of war.

On an island, because we all use the same tools afforded us, we 'see' each others' humanness because we are on an island and rather than communicate terminal or dead end objectives, we always speak one way but mean another. Why? Because we know we cannot run, we cannot hide, we cannot kill our own community that lives on an island.
Humanness is an island of compassion. This scenario, I have lived for almost sixty some-odd years, which started on the island of O'ahu, an island in the Hawai'ian archipelego of seven islands. It is a true island story and works.
Of course, in any truth, there are opposites than can tarnish or melt the truth into discoloration, distortion, and non-existence. No matter...the truth stands. Think of this-all of you that are thinking about business are on the same wave pattern. You know each others thoughts and the winner is often on a win-lose trek. Some think the win-win and that can be beneficial if it's ethical but how many of us really think in terms of 'an island population'?
An island, is an island. It can be easier, if you but try by creating your own 'islands of thought' by considering our humanness.
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