What are the odds of having four (4) separate job interviews happening in the same week? That's what's happening baby.
The first one on Tuesday of this week (Sept. 5th) for an International Business Consulting firm. The second one on Wednesday (Sept. 6th) for the EPA. The third one on Thursday (Sept. 7th - Full Moon) and the fourth one on Friday (Sept. 8th), both the 7th and 8th as well as the 6th are for government entities.
The wonderful and yet perplexing point I wish to make is that during these times; the first as well as the second interviews were done and in each case I was the only person considered for the final interviews. I have been offered positions in each of the four different companies. How strange!
Now, which one am I going to choose? They all have different salary requirements; some lower and some higher than the others but one of the jobs is so cool; dealing with humanity. One deals with humanity but more educating and policing. The other one is managing 10-15 personnel which is all IT and strickly customer service. The one job that is high-visibility, has buuko bucks to pay me, yet 100% travel.
Here are my immediate goals: pay-off my bills, purchase a motor home, quit my job, write two books, at least, and tour America and Canada again, for three or four years then I'll be ready for retirement.

How very strange - as the increase of the moon (ascending) these jobs started to fall in place, then on the full moon day, the last interview was done. The remaining 2nd interviews were done on the decrease of the moon, (building root structures in the Hawaiian Calendar of Agriculture). We all use our own magic, trinkets and prayers; don't we?!
But the unfolding of events...isn't that magnificient.
Business is brighter again...but which one? Which one will I enjoy; truly enjoy performing?

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