May 23, 2005

...Angel Money

OK! some of us are running ragged looking for the right folks that perhaps take an interest in our projects and fund them, with hopefully, continued support through proftable dialog and genuine interest in the whole-unique-project.

I have four fellows who are unique growers, some own six-hundred to nine-hundred-ninety-five acres of organic fruit, and are looking for untraditional ways in agriculture, that will return to them the needed investment dollars, plus their percentage share, and most notably, a cut in the business. Sure, let's see, they are patient individuals but they too want a successful start-up and stable mezzanine or growth oriented-curve that has a robust future based on pre-assessments, including statistical, quantitative and other creative tactical analysis.

Sounds good, doesn't it?!

Let's look a little closer and examine the goings on before we commit, OK!

What should you be on the lookout for?

Marketing: Who owns what-do we all own it?

Again, who own's what-or is it better to manage this as a partnership, where we'll all have a say (a full circle-deal) but unlike a heirchical structure, with its up and down management.

Financial Management:
By all means, use this tool until we're blue in the face, but let's not be blinded by figures only. There are intangibles that somehow, just don't get to be in some analysis. This is criminal. How can anyone make educated decisions based on equations that lack the "soft" issues of intangibles, vs. only having a myopic vision of using just "accounting" measures. The future is built on several hundred "risky" visions coming into play or not. How do you cope with those "soft" issues of the future?

Strategic and Tactical focus: How we deal with these issues, takes an unprecedented way of presentation. Bonus structures should be built upon a foundation of innovation and creativity, where no one is parroting anyone, but truly bringing to the table of negotiation, true facts and research for divisional, departmental, sections, and/or company wide profits. Truly, it is the beast of 'best practices' to understand that a true vision be built on 'cash flow(s)'.

What am I on the lookout for?

My real question: What's the win-win structure for this situation? Let me know!

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